Thanks for supporting our Overseas Escape Adventures Crew

How very humbled and hugely grateful we are to all of you, who through your purchases and donations have helped us support our out-of-work Overseas Crew.

Having lost our full year’s income ourselves – we’ve been feeling pretty bummed not being in the position to employ our overseas crew this year – so to the many, many of you who put your hands in your pockets and contributed and helped us to support them…

THANK YOU. SO. MUCH. It has made a real difference!

Read the replies from each of our overseas crew below…

Joseph thanks

“Thank you to all friends who donated in this tough moment for arising to the occasion when the trying time test our humanity. We may not be out of the woods yet but let that spirit of humanity and care for each other during this time be embedded into the real core of who we are.” Joseph. Kenya & Tanzania.


“Thank you very very much to everyone. God bless you and your families. Thank you for thinking about me and my family. This is really really big for us. You really saved us. Thank you from me and my family.” Dezy. Madagascar.

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“I don’t know what to say, this has made me really emotional. This is really touching and so helpful for me and my family at this situation. I would like to send a very big thanks and huge love to all those people who got really warm hearts to help the crew around the world.” Thy. Cambodia


“My heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated. We hope to win this crucial time. We are currently having tough time. Covid 19 in it’s peak now. The second wave has taken hundreds of lives. We keep working remotely and pray to overcome this hard time. My greetings to all. Stay safe and healthy.” Kenje. Kyrgyzstan

Inno and Joseph

“On behalf of myself, Joseph and Mama Wangari I want to thank you for your generous support to all of you who have donated the money. It was so unexpected and it has helped us in so many ways, so thank you so much and be blessed”. Innocent Njenga. Kenya & Tanzania.


“Alex mentioned that via a crowdfunding type system you had run he got some financial support from you and EA clients. I just wanted to say on his behalf also a huge thanks, that’s very generous of you, the team and clients. I know it’s also been a help to Alex and Milton who have been struggling without work these days.”
 Alex & Milton. Colombia.