Escape Adventures beyond Covid, we are proud and very, very stoked to be still standing!
And this is 100% down to YOUR support! THANK YOU! The support that we have felt over the past year has been absolutely amazing!!
It’s been a while since we been in touch and talked about anything beyond our New Zealand borders… where we Escape Adventures are at and our plans for our international cycle tours.
Well the short answer is…… We are Rocking, Rearing and Ready to Go – as soon as it is safe and possible to do so for each tour and destination, and as soon as our NZ quarantine restrictions ease up. Recently New Zealand opened it’s ‘bubble’ to include Australia and more recently, the Cook Islands. Along with the vaccine steadily rolling-out around the world, we are becoming ever more hopeful that come the start of our season in 2022 we will be back up and running (no BIKING….) in at least some of our favourite destinations around the world, and reconnecting with all the wonderful people we work with around the world.
More than one year on Escape Adventures is proud and very, very stoked to be still standing!
And this is 100% down to YOUR support! THANK YOU! The support that we have felt over the past year has been absolutely amazing!! In March 2020 we watched our business and our livelihood, that we have built over 20 years – literally cease to function. We asked you to “hang in there with us”. And now, because you have, and because you are loving our New Zealand cycle tours… Escape Adventures is still rocking today!
During the last year, along with developing and leading our new New Zealand cycle tours, we have been heads down, bum up in Escape Adventures HQ working on our safety manuals, Environmental and Social Policy, operations manuals and all things that will make our tours more sustainable and more awesome.
We are also in constant contact with our overseas crew and through them we have been working to establish tree planting projects in many of our destinations around the world (more on this coming soon!)